Culture and Environmental Crisis in Latin America

From Firenze University Press Journal: Quaderni Culturali IILA

University of Florence
2 min readJul 1, 2022

The Cultural Secretariat of IILA — International Italo-Latin American Organisation, launches the Call for Papers for the 4th issue of the magazine “Quaderni Culturali IILA” — 2022.
In recent years and in light of the seriousness of the environmental crises, Latin American thought and the arts have produced texts and works of great relevance, aimed at a new reflection on the subject. This issue of Quaderni Culturali aims to offer a collection of texts that show how literature, cinema and the arts, as a whole, have responded to the need to reconfigure the relationship between artistic creation, critical thinking and the environment.

Proposals will be accepted for articles covering several areas: films, music, visual arts, literature, moving images and performing arts.

Possible themes of the contributions to be proposed:
- Representations and discourses on nature in Latin America.
- Development of literary ecocriticism in Latin America
- Ecological perspectives of the arts of native peoples
- The role of nature in the representation of the “Latin American”
- Representation(s) of natural disasters in Latin America
- Artistic practices and environmental sustainability
- Representation(s) of Latin American nature from a European perspective
- Contemporary cinema and the representation of Latin American nature
- Dystopias and science fiction in Latin American artistic production related to the environment
- Eco-culture, horror and weird fictions in Latin America
- Curatorial practices and ecological thinking

In keeping with the editorial line of the magazine, special attention will be given to articles dealing with artistic circulation in Latin America and between Latin America and the world (especially between Latin America and Italy). For this reason, we are particularly interested in articles that address the issues from an international perspective, and deal with Latin American culture, regardless of the geographical place of origin.

Articles, between 5,000 and 7,000 words in length, should be submitted by 15 July.

The documents required for the submission of projects and the magazine regulations can be found on this website:
The languages accepted are Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, and English.

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