Dmitry I. Mendeleev and his time
From Firenze University Press Journal: Substantia
The history of the creation of Periodic table and of the Mendeleev’s discovery of Periodic Law is considered. The different approaches used by Mendeleev’s colleagues are discussed. The contribution of the Periodic system to the extension of the scientific ideas in geology and best of all in geochemistry and mineralogy is illustrated by the discovery of new chemical elements and by the isomorphic replacements in minerals. The details of uneasy history of Mendeleev’s nomination to the St. Petersburg Academy and for the Nobel Prize are given.
The United Nations declared 2019 as the International Year of the Periodic Table. This decision is related to the 150th anniversary since its first version elaborated by the prominent Russian chemist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834–1907, Fig. 1) was published on the 17th of February 1869. On this date he sent his table to the publisher and simultaneously distributed it among his colleagues in Russia and abroad.In connection with UN resolution it is necessary to address the question whether it is really urgent to discuss the events related to Mendeleev’s discovery.
Researchers all over the world consider that as before it contributes the further development of many scientific branches. On the basis of the Periodic Table they search the answers to the many mysteries which Nature still hides. Besides that the history of its creation clearly justifies the absolutely non-linear process which usually accompanies the scientific progress. These aspects are the focus of the present paper which is devoted to some applications of the Periodic Table, to its author and to the time when he made his historical discovery.
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