Micro-Wineries as drivers for local economic development and innovation in lagging areas: The case of Mediterranean regions

From Firenze University Press Journal: Wine Economics and Policy

University of Florence
1 min readApr 15, 2021

Giuseppe Cantafio, University of Sunderland

Luana Parisi, University of East London

For a long time mainstream economics has neglected the non-economic side related to economic growth. Yet, today there is increasing awareness of the role that social capital can play in spurring Local Economic Development especially in underdeveloped, remote, or lagging contexts. Micro-wineries represent a good example of SMEs, being small realities serving the local markets and spaces that strengthen local communities.

The European Mediterranean regions have commonly been connected with these sectors. This study aims at pushing the body of knowledge in the development of micro-wineries in the lagging-behind contexts of Southern Europe, particularly in Southern Italy.

To support the discussion, the present study will adopt a deductive approach, by analysing the San Diego wine cluster taken as a case study, since its wine market recently boomed. Findings will highlight the microwineries symbiosis with the territory itself. Useful lessons will be drawn for encouraging policymakers in undertaking actions towards strengthening the potential of microwineries and building networks among them.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/wep-8194

Read Full Text: https://oaj.fupress.net/index.php/wep/article/view/8194



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